Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sunni Muslims (Islams)

General Questions

A. What is the place of worship? What are the major features of this place? (details of architecture, how it is decorated, what the place is called) 

B. What holy book do they use and what holy days do they observe? List and describe at least 2. 

C. What traditions or rituals do they follow? List and describe at least 3. 

D. How does this monotheistic religion differ from the other two major monotheistic religions? 

Specific Sects/ Branches 

E. How does your sect differ from the other branches within the major religion? 

F. How and where did this particular branch develop? 

G. What are the demographics of where this sect can be found? How many people practice this
particular branch (either the overall # and/or the percentage within the religion)

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